Already very early in my life, I became interested in photography.
In high school, I began working in part time jobs to earn the money for my first SLR camera. At the age of 16 I finally had saved enough money to buy a Yashica FR I.
Three years later, in 1982, I bought my first NIKON, a NIKON FE, which still works today after more than 40 years.
Since then, I exclusively worked with NIKON cameras and lenses.
Later I set up a black& white lab to process my pictures on my own.
Until graduation from college I almost spent all my money on my photographic equipment and I tried many genres of photography, e.g. sports, landscape, portrait, night, weddings, etc.
2001 I stayed in the United States of America for a couple of months. Of course, my photographic equipment was with me. 😉
But it annoyed me that I couldn’t email pictures home because I only had analog cameras. So I bought my first digital camera: a Kodak compact camera with a 2MP sensor. It cost US$ 600.– at the time.
When I returned home the same year, I decided to switch to digital photography and bought my first DSLR, a NIKON D70.
About 13 years ago I started editing photos electronically; first with GIMP and later I switched to Adobe Photoshop. Since then I have acquired a wealth of experience.
Today I’m proficient with Photoshop.
I did model photography for 13 years in my own studio. Now the studio is closed and I will shoot on location or outdoors if I work with a model.
Today I focus on travelling, animal and street photography. Occasionally I also do some night photography since I really love this genre but don’t have a lot of opportunities to do it.